Mr. Mahadass is a Managing Partner and Shareholder at Paranjpe Mahadass Ruemke LLP and represents plaintiffs in complex civil/commercial litigation, class actions, and personal injury litigation. While working with the team at PMR Law, Mr. Mahadass has represented radiation exposure victims, employment discrimination victims, those injured in automobile accidents, cyberbullying victims, students injured by their school, and many others, against insurance companies and other types of corporations.
Prior to forming Paranjpe Mahadass Ruemke LLP, Mr. Mahadass was an Assistant District Attorney (“ADA”) for Harris County. While representing Harris County, the county with the third largest population in the United States, Mr. Mahadass honed his representation skills while dealing with over 60 cases per day. Before his time as an ADA, Mr. Mahadass represented Harris County on the civil side, as an Assistant Staff Attorney for the Harris County Office of Court Management and an Assistant General Counsel for the Harris County Attorney’s Office. In both of these roles, he further developed his problem-solving and legal skills while assisting Harris County judges and other elected officials. Before he held these positions, Mr. Mahadass clerked for the Honorable R. Jack Cagle, formerly a Civil Court Judge and Harris County Commissioner, where he learned civil court procedures and jurisdictional issues. Through his prior experiences, Mr. Mahadass has expertise in leading negotiations, drafting motions, preparing other litigation documents, and arguing motions in court.
Mr. Mahadass was born in Trenton, New Jersey and raised in both Trenton and Pennington, New Jersey. Mr. Mahadass stayed in New Jersey for high school and graduated from the prestigious Princeton Day School. Following high school graduation, Mr. Mahadass moved to New Orleans and graduated from Tulane University with a Bachelors of Science in Management, with majors in two business fields, magna cum laude. While living in New Orleans, Mr. Mahadass made frequent trips to visit family, who remain like his second parents, in Houston. These visits cemented Mr. Mahadass’ love for the City of Houston, a city he first visited when he was twelve years old. Deciding to explore another city before settling down in Houston, Mr. Mahadass went to Atlanta after college, where he graduated from the Emory University School of Law.
Mr. Mahadass is currently a good standing Member of the State Bar of Texas. Mr. Mahadass is a proud member of the Houston Trial Lawyers Association (HTLA), where he serves on its Executive Committee as President-Elect. Previously, he was Secretary / Treasurer. Prior to that role, Mr. Mahadass was Chair of the Diversity Committee. During those years, HTLA received attention and praise for increasingly involving members of various diverse communities. For his work, HTLA named Mr. Mahadass its board member of the year.
Mr. Mahadass additionally serves as Co-Chair of the Houston Bar Association (HBA)’s Membership Committee. For his efforts, Mr. Mahadass received the HBA’s President’s Award For Outstanding Service. He is also a member of the Houston Bar Association’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee. Mr. Mahadass is also on the Tulane University Alumni Association of Houston board, where he serves as President for over 5,000 alumni in the Houston area. Previously, Mr. Mahadass further worked with his alma mater by participating on the board of the Tulane Association of Business Alumni of Houston.
Mr. Mahadass is a board member of the South Asian Bar Association of Houston (SABA Houston). He serves as its Liaison to SABA North America. Mr. Mahadass has spent over 8 years on the SABA Houston board, including past President, during which time the organization expanded significantly. On the national level, Mr. Mahadass previously served as Co-Chair of SABA North America’s Litigation Section.
Recently, Momentum Education appointed Mr. Mahadass to its newly formed Board of Advisors. Momentum Education’s mission is to provide academic, career, and financial support to help first-generation, low-income students earn a post-secondary education and enter the workforce. In his spare time, Mr. Mahadass enjoys playing golf, watching a variety of sports, exploring the Houston restaurant scene, traveling, and otherwise spending time with his family and friends.